Thursday, 14 May 2009

results of "GUESS WHICHONE ???"

....At the end, the result : the first poster had been selected for the concert by the client. The winners are E. ARTUN OZGUNER, SIRIN YAKUP, SINEM ERGUN aaaand T. ONUR AYKUT !!! Congratulations ! The winners will receive 2 postcards from the creations of "hillustration". Follow the blog and facebook for following activities ;)

Monday, 4 May 2009

spring concert / bahar konseri / le concert du printemps

A turkish classical music concert poster for spring semester. The both works have been appreciated by the client, but selected only one of them...Guess which one ! :)
Une affiche de concert pour la musique classique turque pour la période de printemps. Les deux projets ont été appréciés par le client, pourtant seulement une seule a été choisit...Devinez la quelle ! :)

Bahar dönemi için yapilmis Türk Sanat Müzigi Konseri. Proje kapsaminda iki is de begenildi.Ancak sadece biri seçildi...Tahmin edin hangisi ! :)