Tuesday, 29 June 2010

sign system for Adnan Saygun Culture Centre Backstage during International Izmir Festival

the poster of the 24th International Festival voted by the commitee of IKSEV (Izmir Foundation for culture Arts and Education), made by Mr. Erhan Ă–zden.

toilet sign for "woman", a geometrical design and B&W color application harmonyous to the "futura" the main character of the 24th Internatonal Izmir Festival.

toilet sign for "man"

sign system for WC leading to left side.
sign system leading to right, harmonyous with the color application and typography (futura book &futura bold), simplification of festival visual to provide a clear perception.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Hillustration Studio 2010

the new business card of mine; "Hillustration Studio". Let's keep in touch! :)

Saturday, 19 June 2010

F&F&F Fulya&Ferit Forever

the wedding invitation card for my dear friend Fulya Ertem.

Friday, 11 June 2010

TurkMSIC Ankara logotype

a logotype project for the association of medecine students of Ankara University, Turkey

matching game for the birthday party

red & white

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Fairy Five O'clock Party 2010 volume no2

wayfinding for WC and the kitchen wayfinding for WC and kitchen
the illustration on t-shirt carried by the staff

the sign for WC
the signs for living room, TV room and lobby
wayfinding for WC and the sign for the kitchen
sign for "no issue"
sign for venue of the guests
the sign of main entrence